How Do You Get A Befitting CPR And First Aid Training Program For Your Company?

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The importance of getting a CPR and first aid training program for your company cannot possibly be underestimated in the times that we live in. Picture this: you are having a great day at work when your colleague collapses at your desk. Are you well prepared for the intricacies that come with providing first aid? How do you go about making sure that they receive the medical attention they need? Well, apart from placing that call to 911, are you aware of the various first aid procedures that you may need to follow to take care of such a situation?
If you hesitated at that point, then it is evident you need to take action! Simply put, it is vital for employees to get proper training to be well versed with different procedures required for different emergencies. To do this at the corporate level would be a logistical nightmare, especially if you are thinking of providing the training at an individual level. At this point, it makes sense to get packages for a CPR and first aid training program for your company. This article highlights some of the factors that you must put into consideration when creating an ideal program to make sure that your employees are well trained.
[youtube url=”″ width=”220″] 1) Get a clear understanding of the legal provisions made for such a program. There are various legal requirements for companies, and this may differ from one state to another. For this reason, it is imperative to check with the laws of the specific state that you are in. Some companies may be required to have Occupational Health and Safety Administration abbreviated (OSHA). This is dependent on the type of organization that one has. Failure to do this can have serious legal implications. Take note that with regards to AEDs (automated external defibrillator), companies must undergo reviews yearly to establish that they are compliant.
2) Buy an AED as part of CPR and first aid training program for your company. While not all states make it a requirement to have an AED, companies will usually get this as a safety measure. The cost of the AED differs and varies with the manufacturer as well as the type of AED. It is convenient to buy an AED online, but one of the major drawbacks of doing so is that you may need to foot extra costs arising from installation. Once the purchase has been made, it is important to train the employees on its use as well as make its location a central and accessible place.
3) Make sure that you choose an appropriate CPR and first aid training program for your company. Usually, this will be made possible by choosing an instructor as well. The guiding factor to this must be looked at in light of the fact that a great program is an asset for the company. Using a professional company for these services will go a long way.
4) Lastly, make sure that you do follow ups following CPR and first aid training program for your company. This involves carrying out constant drills, monitoring progress as well as keeping schedules.

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