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How To Deal With A Head Concussion

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The human head is incapable of sustaining hard blows from incidents such as motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, falls and blows from blunt objects. A head concussion is one of the most frequently reported injuries to the head. In most cases, the condition is temporary and usually resolves without causing severe damage. However, concussions can also lead to serious complications when left untreated.
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Assess The Victim

Examine the victim by looking for signs of external injuries. Although cases of concussion are difficult to diagnose, you’ll be able to tell severity by the symptoms exhibited. In some cases, severe head damage may be present but cannot be established without proper expertise and equipment.

There are several symptoms that a head concussion victim displays. They are:

  • Unconsciousness
  • Severe headache
  • Numbness
  • Blurred vision
  • Light sensitivity
  • Visual anomalies like seeing stars
  • Irritability
  • Vomiting
  • Memory loss
  • Lethargy
  • Sleepiness

Call the Doctor

When you see any of these symptoms, contact the doctor immediately. Detailed evaluation will be conducted so that any problematic conditions can be handled swiftly. If you cannot get an ambulance, drive to the hospital. Carry an unconscious patient to the emergency room.

Avoid Movements

A head concussion can be as a result of head fractures and/or trauma so avoid moving the victim too much. This may end up causing severe injury. Tell the victim to lie down and provide support to the head with a pillow. For the effects to pass, the victim will be required to remain still.

Assess Consciousness

One of the most important things to do is to assess the consciousness of the victim. Asses the cognitive function to make sure that the victim is able to relate to the event. You can ask questions or tell the victim to describe the feeling.

Stay Focused

It’s imperative to ensure that you stay focused on the patient’s welfare. Keep the patient awake by engaging in conversation. Bear in mind that temperature will greatly affect a head concussion victim. Therefore, make sure that the surroundings are cool by using icepacks or even dampening a piece of cloth.

Give Victim Rest

The victim needs to get sufficient rest. For the first few hours, make sure that the person takes several naps. Nevertheless, ensure that the victim does not fall unconscious. This happens in many cases whereby the victim is left to sleep for too long. This is why they should be woken up after a while of napping.

Continue With Treatment

Do not stop the treatment plan for the required duration as directed by the doctor. Studies reveal head concussion effects are yet to be understood in detail. Little is known but evidence proves that there are some symptoms which linger afterwards:

There is a syndrome that occurs after the concussion incident. The condition can cause after effects that last for several years or may never heal completely.

All concussions cause a certain extent of damage to the brain. This is why doctors recommend people who have suffered from the condition to rest often. Rigorous physical activity should be minimized as well.

Where to Learn More?

To learn more about head, neck and brain injuries sign up for a first aid course here. Courses provide workplace approved certification and provide you with real life skills to manage emergencies.

2 thoughts on “How To Deal With A Head Concussion”

  1. if the victim remembers a flash or a spark, they’ve had a concussion and need to re-energize, fried brain areas before sleeping,… personal history as far back as can be recalled, plus peripheral vision assessment, tunnel vision is bad for humans, many homeless concussed years earlier, all kids slapped or punched in the head must recover before sleeping, best minds wishing they knew what was wrong, or best minds bouncing volleyballs on Mars while humans starve… football dynasty can be created by attending to all concussions incurred during game,… too much energy + not as much brain available for electricity makes for irritation under questioning, no questions for me, all inquiries in form of statement, harbinger of pending Human World when boundaries are respected, post-inbreeder-world…

  2. Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    if the victim remembers a flash or a spark, they’ve had a concussion and need to re-energize, fried brain areas before sleeping,… personal history as far back as can be recalled, plus peripheral vision assessment, tunnel vision is bad for humans, many homeless concussed years earlier, all kids slapped or punched in the head must recover before sleeping, best minds wishing they knew what was wrong, or best minds bouncing volleyballs on Mars while humans starve… football dynasty can be created by attending to all concussions incurred during game,… too much energy + not as much brain available for electricity makes for irritation under questioning, no questions for me, all inquiries in form of statement, harbinger of pending Human World when boundaries are respected, post-inbreeder-world…

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