Why Should I Learn CPR?

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You might think that in a world where emergency health care is just a phone call away, you wouldn’t need to know CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, but that’s where you’re wrong. It might take the paramedics just five minutes to arrive, but initiating CPR during those five minutes can mean life or death. Wouldn’t you want to be able to save someone’s life?

Here are a few reasons why you should learn CPR.

  1. It’s not a yucky as you think. Updated guidelines don’t even require untrained rescuers to perform rescue breathing that means no more mouth-to-mouth. Studies have shown that chest compressions alone might be enough to save someone’s who is suffering from sudden cardiac arrest.
  2. You don’t even have to take a course to learn compression-only or Hands-Only CPR. You can even just watch an instructional video from the American Heart Association’s website. Plus, there are even apps on Apple and Android that you can download for free to help you learn CPR.
  3. It’s easy. The emergency health care provider you have called can even give you the instructions over the phone. Having even the briefest background on CPR can make it even easier, and more importantly, more effective.
  4. Perhaps the most important reason is that the life you save could be that of a loved one. Sudden cardiac arrest can occur anywhere, anytime and it could happen to seemingly healthy individuals, and their chances of survival of are trickling by the minute.

So, what left from stopping you from learning CPR? You can learn it for free and it won’t take too much of your time. Learn CPR now because you could be saving a life tomorrow.

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