Blood loss can take place in almost any part of the body. Usually, internal bleeding takes place when blood escapes out through a damaged blood vessel.

What You Must Know About Bursitis

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Overview of Bursitis

  • Wherever the ligaments, tendons and bones shift against each other, mainly near joints, tiny fluid-filled pods known as bursae protect the points from contact.
  • Bursitis is the swelling of a bursa, and is generally caused when the joint is overused, or when a joint is under strain or pressure for extensive periods of time.

What Causes Bursitis?

Wherever the ligaments, tendons and bones shift against each other, mainly near joints, tiny fluid-filled pods known as bursae protect the points from contact.
Wherever the ligaments, tendons and bones shift against each other, mainly near joints, tiny fluid-filled pods known as bursae protect the points from contact.
  • The swelling of a joint is generally caused by mistreatment or overuse of the joint.
  • Bursitis can also be caused by suffering to the area of the bursa or by adjoining tendons. Recurring physical exercises, such as using a golf club, can cause bursitis.
  • Infection or other disorders, such as gout or arthritis, cause inflammatory transformations in the tendons and joints.

Symptoms of Bursitis

  • Pain, swelling and inflammation in the area, mainly during stretching while working out or extorting the joint beyond its usual limits.
  • Constrained movement of the joint, with or without direct pain.
  • The affected skin might become red or feel hot.

Bursitis Self-care Tips

  • Reduce activity the concerns the joint and rest to allow the swelling to settle.
  • Put the arm in a sling if the elbow is affected.
  • Changing between cold and hot compresses can help in alleviating some of the pain.
  • When the sharp pain has settled, mild exercises of the joint can be done, gradually increasing the range of movement.

Treating Bursitis

  • Splinting might relax the joint by restricting its motion, but should only be completed under the direction of a GP or physiotherapist.
  • Anti-inflammatory pills might be given to decrease pain and swelling.
  • Physiotherapy might be recommended to help correct any muscle tension or strength inequality that might have caused bursitis.
  • In serious or recurring cases, bursal drainage (when the liquid is drawn out of the inflamed bursa) might be considered.

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